A friendly chat community. I chat about PS4, GPU, BITCOIN, Desktop Part and new generation Graphic Cards, and anything adventure and game related. I play riot games, Crossout, HIREZ, Unreal Engine4 games, Square Enix Games, Steam Games, and more.
A Fun Discord Server Where You Can Play Games With Other People, You Can Either Speak English Or Indonesia, There Is Also Fun Bots Such As Eli, MEE6, Tatsu, Carl, Etc
This server has everything! animal crossing mario games other games among us we even have a promoting your discord server channel where you can share your discord server with people from around the world and much more what are you waiting for? Go to this discord server today!
Hey, ich bin die Evi und rund um meinen Youtube Channel betreibe ich ein Community Discord "DieEvi & Kameraden", wo wir täglich Call Of Duty Cold War und primär Warzone im Squad spielen. Wenn du lustige und freundliche Mitspieler suchst und 25+ bist, schau doch gerne mal vorbei und spiel eine Runde mit :)