Gameoverse is a place where gaming enthusiasts can enjoy the hobby of video games together. We enjoy everything gaming, discussing the latest games, games industry, development, and news, and also anime, music, movies, and various other forms of entertainment media.
A server that we just started. An all around hangout focused on Games, Music, Youtube and Art! We need more members and more moderators so come join! We have custom emotes and VC every now and then. Suggestions are welcome!
Salut la populas', bienvenue sur le serveur de la communauté DXT.
Vous pourrez y retrouver des joueurs de tout jeux et styles de jeux confondus venant de toutes plateformes (PC-PS4-XBOX-SWITCH-...) mais également des YouTubeurs / Streameurs (vous serez prévenues a chaque début de live et sorties de nouvelle vidéos dans un salon dédiée).
N'hésitez surtout pas à rejoindre, personne ne mord !.
Enjoy :v:
We are a community that lives to help others. We help with everything that has to do with streaming, whether that is setting up your overlays, panels, social media, or more technical stuff. Make new friends, network with others, and have fun in games!
Bienvenue sur le serveur communautaire de ZI Linkasio !
Je streame un tas de jeux en tous genres : League of Legends, Valorant, Binding of Isaac, Sea Of Thieves et divers Let's Play ou tests de jeux
N'hésitez pas a venir faire un tour !
Hearth Valley is an up-and-coming community that was built for the sole purpose of providing the best we can to our members within our community, whether you be content creators or ordinary folk who enjoy relaxing and hanging out with others. We provide many unique things in the community that may benefit you whether you be a content creator or an average Joe.
We tend to do many things within the community ranging from different types of events (Gaming/Movies/Anime/Karaoke), to giveaways, and other little neat things! We have just about anything you might be wanting or looking for, so if like what you've heard so far and want to potentially meet others, then we welcome you and would love to have you within the community and join us on our trip down this path of providing the best we can for others.
Frenchy - Community, c'est quoi ?
C'est une communauté Multi-Gaming Française !
Notre but est de réunir différents joueurs pour s'amuser et passer de bons moments ! Nous cherchons à fédérer des personnes autour de notre passion du jeu vidéo.
Sans cesse, nous tentons de nous étendre et de diversifier nos projets et horizons. Pour exemple: cette Web TV, notre récente chaîne YouTube, divers tournois et concours sans oublier nos line-up !
Bien d'autres projets nous attendent à l'avenir, peut-être en votre compagnie ?