I'm powderedtoastman and this is my furry server! Anyone who wants to join and are 16+ will be welcome. We have: -Transparent administration -18+ NSFW access requiring Date of Birth on a government issued ID
Hello! This is my new furry LGBTQ+ server, come on in and chat with me and other people! Have a great day. :D All this server is, is just for furrys and LGBTQ+ people and for people not to hate on them, that's why I made this server! :D
Welcome to Dottie's cove !
This is a Vr Chat server for making friends, sharing avatars and gaming together
You must be 18 or older to join :P
Australian Roleplay is where you can do RP but make sure realistic if you do not you will be kickin our sever we let
in Emergency Response: Liberty County