This is server for copy of BallsDex - CountryballsDex, Bot has cities, countries, historical countries, voivodeships/regions and states. Collect all countryballs, trade them, and fight with Bosses!
We are a dank memer community, we hope to strive as the biggest robbing community. We are a very active, friendly server and hope you enjoy your time here. Thank you for listening :D - JBzR robuc maker and mrniner3
Discord moderation and security that is always one step ahead. Stop nukers, raiders, and spammers efficiently. Make use of advanced yet easy moderation and utility tools.
KannaBot 2.0 does: Server Protection, Server Moderate, Utilities, Guild Logs (Message Edited/Deleted, Punished User,...), Sticky Messages, Verification,... and much more.
New, cool, dank memer server, legends say, if you join this server, you will be lucky, and grow 5 arms!
Alright, that was cringy, look all you need to know is, its cool, its a server, and i hope you enjoy your stay.
This sever is slowly growing and you joining matters a lot. The server activities consist of...
-Battling. We have different types of battles, including specific levels and "betting." (The betting battle is where you place a amount of Poketwo currency you would like to win and battle another player to potentially win or lose your money.) Join if you have any questions.
-Trading. You can find many interesting Pokémon in our server, and many tradeable.
-Gyms. We have multiple gyms, consisting of select members. They will be a challenge. You too can become a gym leader!
-Last but not least, and amazing community! We hope to see you in our server!
-GameAlex103#4332 and edua#2793
A discord bot community, the developers which are continuously developing. Please consider joining us and have a wonderful time when you do, we wish you the best!
a good server for people that want to grind dank memer, robbing is disabled and many giveaways occur but last but not least there are many minigames and trivias