The No Dip League (or NDL) is an international friendly war competition hosting clans from all over the globe of varying sizes, skill levels and time zones. Clans accepted into the NDL will be assigned a schedule of opponents separated by divisions, and will compete in one match per week during the regular season. At the end of the regular season, the highest ranked clans will participate in a playoff to determine a season champion.
NDL is run by a team of staff who facilitate making the league happen. Rules are developed with feedback from clan leaders (called Ambassadors), and the league is run with an emphasis on transparency and collaboration.
Wir laden euch recht herzlich ein, unserem Discord-Server zu joinen. Spielersuche, Trading...alles dreht sich um Rocket League. Diverse Bots, z.B. fürs ingame Ranking und Trading bieten wir natürlich auch.
Join to play with some new people and have fun or to find people to grind for new ranks. Not many rules you can say what you want just don’t take it to far and don’t spam. We host custom games such as 3v3 and more. New growing PlayStation R6 server. (Please claim your role to get permissions in the roles channel)
PRACC is the biggest scrim search in the world, with more than 1.5 million matches booked. Join now and find your scrims.
Multiple games, such as CS:GO, Valorant, League of Legends, DotA2, and more, are supported.