What is Museigen Shotosu? It translates from japanese to Unlimited Collisions and is essentially an inactive hubworld or a cut-off gateway. It's a knowledge buried by a zone that predates time itself. 4 beings have entered this stage through their sheer power alone..or atleast that's what they think. Regardless, this area is now being opened up for you to join. At the moment, this crp server is new. We are always open to suggestions and active members such as yourself to help this server grow! We are also looking for experienced mods to help shape this server.
What to expect?
At the moment, this server is new, so it's pretty small and underdeveloped, though we are currently developing it into a decent server for you. With this, it may not seem so active, but don't let it discourage you crp lovers from helping it flourish, because you don't necessarily have to do crp, all form of rp (EXCEPT ERP) are allowed, so you don't have to stick to combat if you don't want to!