Sorry, we tried hitting it with a wrench, but couldn't get an invite out of it. Try back later or check out these other great servers you might love ❤️
Two Geeks One Cup ist der weltbeste True Nerd Podcast und das ist unser Community Discord mit allem, was das Nerd-Herz höher schlagen lässt und inklusive unserer wöchentlichen Aufnahme der neuen Podcast-Folge im Live-Stream.
ChristoCord is a tech-based Discord Server that focuses on tech support and tech discussion. PC Building, Hardware, and Software support channels are available within ChristoCord. CC also has an ever growing, multi-thousand-person member base which allows for active debate in tech-related channels and a general community for those who just want a place to chill.
Code Workshop is a community of people learning and talking about programming. From web development to machine learning and robotics. A community for learning to code, or for experienced programmers developing new skills.
Um Server com uma diversidade de coisas como:
Call entre amigos-
Muita diversão-
Sessão de filme-
Sessão de minecraft-
Sessão de Farlinght-
E muito mais entre já e faça novas amizades
AVISOS: Proibido Xingar o amiguinho e não praticar muita xenofobia, racismo, esquizofrenia etc. Um Beijo e entre passa ver
???? ??????? are a great server to join. In this server you will be learning about making new friends and increasing your relationships with them too. You always will have an amazing time with us
Conversation about computers, consoles, gaming, robotics all future past and present technology. We also have gaming channels, music channels and rank system.