Fire is a Social Gaming Discord, focused on community enrichment. Founded on June 20, 2022 with great core values that all gamers will enjoy. We Invite all First Responders and Military to join our hub! (edited)
# Universal Events! 🌌
**Universal Events is a Rise of Nation🏅 Community that Unites all of us looking for great events. We are a very active base looking for more players to have fun with within our events**
**Universal Events Was Created in order to host as many events as possible to make sure everyone gets entertain well enough. We host diverse **
# __🎁What do we offer?__
we offer:
> 🤖**Countryball Games**🌍: you can grind countryballs within the channel
> 🪖**Rise of Nation Events**🏅: you can compete with others in our events. we host events from prehistory to Modern days. Not to mention our most popular events Barbarossa.
> 🕹️**Various Other Events**🎮: you can compete with others in our events. we host events from prehistory to Modern days.
# __⛑️What do we are in need?__
we offer:
•👤**Active Members**👤: We need Active members who could help us grow our server at his peakest💪
🔮**Nitro Boosters**💠: We need More Nitro Boosters in order for us to give out t
PL --[ Happy Poland, to mikropaństwo na, jest przyjazne dla nowych graczy oraz otwarte na nowych sojuszników, więcej info na naszym DC, Zapraszamy ]--
EN --[ Happy Poland, is a micro-state on is friendly to new players and open to new allies, more info on our DC, You are welcome ]--
ACSW (A Cold Steel World) is a Hoi4 Modding server for those who want a simple but interesting alternative to some other mods. In this Alt History mod, it centers around specific events with Russia and Kornilov's rise to power. The Russian Revolution proved to be a blunder in this universe, paving way for a nationalist Dictatorship in Russia itself. Alexander Kerensky, the once thought president of the first Russian Republic was sent into exile by Lavr's government following failed leadership of the White Army, giving Kornilov the opportunity to take charge against the Bolshevik Army.
At the start of the game (1930), you'll see that things look and or seem relatively similar to vanilla with some changes to the map. Poland for Instance may seem larger but political and economic turmoil restrain the state from being a great or secondary power. On the other hand, Russia is of course ruled by Lavr Kornilov and Paul von Hindenburg reigns in Germany (German Republic) after the defeat of WW1
Welcome to the Canadian Army! The Canadian Army is a military roleplay group that has different regiments within, all playing an important role in the path to victory! To rank up after completing a Basic Training, you must join a regiment and show activity!
To gain membership into the Canadian Army and start your career in any regiment, you must join the group and the communication server!
🎓 -【𝗛𝗢𝗪 𝗧𝗢 𝗥𝗔𝗡𝗞 𝗨𝗣】 - 🎓
Attend trainings and tryouts or show increased knowledge and activity at the base!
- Exokrxy
- Boomaxy1
📫 -【𝗦𝗢𝗖𝗜𝗔𝗟 𝗟𝗜𝗡𝗞𝗦】 - 📫!/about