A War Thunder community. Class Act: 3 sqns (CLAS, CLAS2 & CLANS) 300+ mbrs, 1 Discord. Join us there at: https://discord.me/class-act. Tips, strats, lolz
AceClan.ORG is a PC multi-gaming clan formed in March 2019, experiencing rapid growth in a multitude of games we are truly bringing change to the clan scene. Operating a military-inspired ranking structure with various ranks and departments which you can obtain, you will truly feel rewarded all the time so long as you get involved!
Somos una comunidad hispanohablante, nuestra base es ArmA3 siendo un clan de simulación sin asistencia obligatorio. Tenemos actividades en otros juegos como Warframe, Bannerlord y cualquier otro que nos permita formar una comunidad.
# Universal Events! 🌌
**Universal Events is a Rise of Nation🏅 Community that Unites all of us looking for great events. We are a very active base looking for more players to have fun with within our events**
**Universal Events Was Created in order to host as many events as possible to make sure everyone gets entertain well enough. We host diverse **
# __🎁What do we offer?__
we offer:
> 🤖**Countryball Games**🌍: you can grind countryballs within the channel
> 🪖**Rise of Nation Events**🏅: you can compete with others in our events. we host events from prehistory to Modern days. Not to mention our most popular events Barbarossa.
> 🕹️**Various Other Events**🎮: you can compete with others in our events. we host events from prehistory to Modern days.
# __⛑️What do we are in need?__
we offer:
•👤**Active Members**👤: We need Active members who could help us grow our server at his peakest💪
🔮**Nitro Boosters**💠: We need More Nitro Boosters in order for us to give out t