**Bot Description:**
This versatile bot is designed to enhance your Discord server experience. It offers a wide range of commands, including:
- `announce`: Make important announcements in your server.
- `ban` and `unban`: Manage server members' access.
- `disable` and `enable`: Control the availability of specific commands.
- `hide` and `unhide`: Hide or reveal channels and categories.
- `info`: Get information about the server and its members.
- `kick` and `voicekick`: Remove disruptive members.
- `list`: List various server elements.
- `lock` and `unlock`: Manage channel permissions.
- `maintenance`: Put the bot into maintenance mode.
- `purge`: Remove multiple messages at once.
- `voicemove`: Move users between voice channels.
And much more.
With these commands, this bot aims to streamline server management and enhance your community's Discord experience.
Em informática, um servidor é um software ou computador, com sistema de computação centralizada que fornece serviços a uma rede de computadores, chamada de cliente. Esses serviços podem ser de naturezas distintas, como por exemplo, arquivos e correio
✨ Useful commands inside the bot
🎫 Ticket System: It is used to create support requests on the server with the ticket system.
🛠 Suggestion Commands: With suggestion you can know the recommendations on your server.
💍 Marriage Commands: With this command, you can marry the person you want (virtually)!
👱♂️User Commands: With user commands, you can learn and use commands that will be useful to the user.
🛠 Moderation Commands: Using these commands, you can easily handle moderation tasks on your server.
✨Auto Mod Commands:Manage your server easier than before with auto mode commands
🎈 Fun and Game Commands: You can provide fun for users on your server with these commands.