• **Short Description Of What You Can Do Here** You can hang out in voice chats and vibe with other people, participate in events, play games, join voice chat for Dream Land vibe night, level up by talking, share your talent, post videos/images, get updates/ snippets of Xxdreamlnd’s & much more (:
We are a music server for up coming and underground artists to help support each other self promotion is allowed. Why choose us you may ask, well we are here to help in everyway possible with a friendly team of moderators and we give advice to musicians who may need help with some enquiries. If you need help with advertising or are just in search for a chill community The Outpost is fit for you join now we are active.
BTS english speakers server, 12+ age members. We accept multifandoms.
We have bots, we play games, watch shows together and more.
every ARMY is welcome and if you want to know more about BTS we can help you.
this is a remake server of my very first one, i really like the way it’s turned out and hope you will too, if you can’t handle strictly no slurs rules then just don’t join😭