This is a place for you to find people with similar goals and views, with whom you could reach your goals.
The purpose of this server is to foster collective learning, startups, ideas, Build a perfect and highly responsive community.
Distrobot est un bot Vinted sur Discord conçu pour vous permettre d'arriver premier sur les derniers articles mis en vente sur Vinted. Distrobot, c'est aussi serveur Discord orienté resell, créé pour aider au quotidien les personnes qui font de l'achat-revente sur Vinted de vêtements et de sneakers.
Our goal is to provide the absolute highest quality deals on the market across all retailers. We have been in the deal industry for 5+ years learning and building some incredible automation that we’d love to show to the world. Right now we are in beta phases and just want to see how users enjoy our developments! Join our server for a fun ride!
Note: Things may be slow to start but we are heavy at work bringing more to the table! Join us and come see for yourself!
Welcome to our space for those who are serious about exploring our substances.
Whether you're an experienced user or just curious, you'll find what you need in the server. Join the community and see what we're all about.
and shipping