Vertrau komm einf rein, lerne leute kennen, haben keine richtigen regeln, sind alle real, einf n süsse community ig also komm ♡
Eröffnung: 19.11.2024 also wunder dich nd warum so wenige leute, wir machen den server gross
Warning! this server doesn't belong to Tatsu! if you are looking for Tatsu server you can find it here ->
We made this server to help each other to gain Greench rewards Legally! and we don't break any rule of Tatsu-Bot rules!
Canvas pixel server this server is newly installed and do not forget to come to the turkish server we are waiting for you I'd be sad if you didn't come I'd be sad if you didn't come 😭😭😭🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑🤑