This is a server for youtubers,streamers,video editors and much more to come together and do business and do collabs!
- Great staff
- General and memes
- Serious people
- Dedicated Editors
- Share content !
bem vindo a elite, serve de comunidade de dahood crew, aqui somos uma familia para caso de raids em dahood, caso queira ajuda e so mandar nos canais, prestem atençao nas regras e nao desrrespeitem ninguem
Hey do you wanna grow your youtube channel? Maybe reach 100 subs within a week?!?!?! Well if so join this growing community where you can sub4sub, like4like etc or advertise any social media or maybe even get subs by inviting, yes u heard it! 1 invite = 1 sub so invite all of your friends, make sure they dont leave.
Wolven Workshop: Howl like a wolf
(Official discord of the Idarix fanbase)
What we have:
- A friendly community
- Protection from bullying
- Gamer Talk
- Cool People
- And of course, Idarix
What we need:
- More Members!
- More Staff!
Come join today!
Un serveur appartenant à ma communauté, hésite pas à te rajouter dans le serveur !! il y a plein de categorie, si tu as des idées hésite pas à me les dire !