Are you looking for extra friendly dating server? It's here! The international place on Discord to meet good friends, love, sharing your thoughts, your hobbies and many other things!
It doesn't matter if you are a grandson are a great-great-grandpa, or how you look or where you're from. You all are welcomed! The Sphinx has levelling system to avoid toxic people and bots to keep the community safe. You get what you do!
✨ Nice community
✨ Server made for you. We listen to your voice!
✨ Safe place to express your opinion.
✨ Levelling system. No spam, no toxicity.
✨ We're for everyone! We don't accept hate speech!
✨ Varied content. You'll find your topics.
✨ Many chatting rooms
✨ SFW and NSFW. You can activate NFSW content if you want.
✨ Member events.