Dystopian cyberpunk server. Memes, misfits -- incredibly active with up to 100,000 messages a day. Over 370,000 losers. Take the e-dgy pill -- wake up! https://discord.gg/edgy
This is a server where you can share memes and chat with people. share your pets, setups, pictures and much more! i'm trying to make the server popular. If you support the server and want to help with the server growing i'll give you a moderation or VIP role!
típico servidor en español para conocer gente. publica memes y debate si deseas, pero lo más importante es dar ofrendas a nuestro dios dan schneider!! (reglas están dentro del server)
Diseased Rats is a discord server with 150+ members, and we're willing to expand that number. We're a chill group of people who enjoy discussing just about anything, from books to video games to movies.
Fun server with alot of funny memes. If you get offended easily this might not be the best place for you. Very nice staff and members aswell! Join if you like meme's and jokes. :)