We are a new community in which it is mainly based on a server, which I hope will soon be an HCF network. We will start with kitmap and then continue with hcf. I hope you have fun with us! If you need help, create a ticket and we will do it as soon as possible!
Welcome to ZhytaHCF | Official Discord
- ZhytaHCF Owners
este pequeño servidor es para socializar de lo que sea y pasarla bien
Y los creadores del servidor son Mini - Youtubers, tal vez te puede gustar sus contenidos y apoyarlos :)
Un pequeño servidor que puedes ayudar a que crezca c:
vizzi discord server jjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjjdnfgygbhgfrjhrgfhjdfjfdjhfgfjbdfhfjffgfchhfjhdfjhbbhhffghbfgfgjhfgfgjhvbjhfgjfjkdjfkjdkfjjfjkdfjfjkdkjfjkddjkfdkjdfkjfjkjdfkjfdkjdfkjkjfjfdkjfdjdkjfdkjfkfdkfdkdfkjdfjdkjkddfdkfjdkfjdkfjkjkddffjjjkkkdkdkdkjfjfjfkjfjkfkjfsjdfdjjdfjddfdfkxfkjfdjfdkjfdkjfdjkdjkfjfjdkfdjfkjdfkdfkkdfdfjdfkdffddjfdfkjkddfsfdjkdfffjfkjkfjkfjfjkjddjkdjkfjkdfjdjfkdffdfkjfjkdf
This server is for my youtube channel with my gc. We play roblox and scary games to make content on. We also take recommendations! Thank yall guys for 10 subs! we really tried our best. I hope the people who are seeing this is able to join and have fun and just talk in the community. Please join up and watch us grow!
This server is to interact with alot of underrated Youtubers/Streamers/Fortnite Players and so much more! we interact with our community on a day-to-day basis. We have self promo,coaching,LFG,Giveaways and so much more! Join to experince the greatness that happends here!