Gaming ? Anime ? Memes ? Meet new people ? Listen to music ? Movie nights ? Make new friends ? Level up system ⬆️ Polls ? QOTD ❓ Giveaways ⭐️ Fun bots ?
170+ Emotes ?
Join this server for unlimited fun and enjoyment. Come on let's chill and have fun. We respect each and everyone over here. sometimes internet friends hold an important place in our heart♥️
⛧This server is a literal meme
don't join if you're easily offended.
We're a chill fun server come join and chat with us!
Giveaways are very often. You want nitro? be active you might be able to catch it!
be social and play games with us.⛧
a wholesome community for all where you can come and hang out, chat, game, or listen to music. right now, were a bit small so you never have to be afraid of feeling excluded or lost in a conversation. we just want to host a place where everyone can feel they belong. we have music rooms, gaming vc's, different bots to toy around with and more. all are welcome and we hope you stay a while.