Welcome to the SCP Facility, Made by @Cat
This server is made for the SCP:CB & SCP:SL Games
Here you can :
Give suggestions in #suggestions
Post SCP Memes
Post NSFW (Only in #nsfw-posts)
Earape people in the earape channel
Upload speed runs in our channel
Participate give-aways
We're also working on a server for SCP:SL (Community hosted)
Join frogophile Today! Where you can play games with other socialize with other chat with others and also do live events with people! meet friends and more! it's your choice where to pick what channel to join!!!
Cosmo's Lounge Discord server, It is mainly focused on Hypixel Skyblock related things. Such as Dungeons/Kuudras we built an community for players who is NEW to the game/server and showing them what an "experienced" Skyblock player normally does in their daily life or just in general. Hope you guys have a wonderful day!