Do you like zombies? Do you like guns? How about simulator games to kill some time? If you said yes to any of these, you're going to be interested in what we at Roblox Infinite Studios (RIS) has to offer. Currently we're developing a game called "Zombie Killing Simulator". It's a premise simpler than a wheel, or the AK-47 (Both of which can be found in game). Kill zombies with your friends, get money to buy cooler guns, and discover a large progression-based map with multiple areas, and a large variety of zombies to be found. We have a kind and small community, and we'd love to have you in our ranks. We host community events every couple of weeks and every once and a while play tests for our game, which will be fully releasing in a very near future. What are you waiting for? Join us and have some fun. We are LGBT friendly.