Vertrau komm einf rein, lerne leute kennen, haben keine richtigen regeln, sind alle real, einf n süsse community ig also komm ♡
Eröffnung: 19.11.2024 also wunder dich nd warum so wenige leute, wir machen den server gross
Ryan’s Glorious Dankers!
We are very serious when it comes to dank memer ?!
- We love to do giveaways, this includes flash giveaways.
- We have partner heists notifications!
- We actually do heists too ?
A server for people to chat , socialise and have fun ! Frequent dank giveaways as well, and tons of anime / history / art related content . Come join ! ?
Bot Musik Discord Bot Music Discord adalah fitur program tambahan dari pihak ketiga yang memberikan layanan berupa bot yang akan memutarkan music di channel voice discord anda . Bot Discord tentunya harus diundang terlebih dahulu ke server kamu untuk bisa melakukan pemutaran musik.
Servidor de minecraft,Mas se você não joga é simples só baixar ou se não quiser apenas fique para conversar no chat ou jogar outros jogos mas o principal é minecraft. . . e convide seus amigos :D