Star Wars focused multi-game server, active in Squadrons, Star Citizen, SWG, and World of Warships. The Internet's first Rebel fleet, founded in 1997 with roots in Xwing vs Tie Fighter. Here you will find friendly players from around the world. Our events are tailor made to involve everyone from casual to competitive pilots in ways that everyone can contribute. We train brand new players, field competitive teams, and generally have a good time.

About Server

Star Wars focused multi-game server, active in Squadrons, Star Citizen, SWG, and World of Warships. The Internet's first Rebel fleet, founded in 1997 with roots in Xwing vs Tie Fighter. Here you will find friendly players from around the world. Our events are tailor made to involve everyone from casual to competitive pilots in ways that everyone can contribute. We train brand new players, field competitive teams, and generally have a good time.

Recent Posts

Boat Wars II

S @Warships @NRN Fleet Member Boat Wars II starts tomorrow! This is a massive NRN participation event in World of Warships. Last time in Boat Wars I we played over 360 games with 16 people participating. I think we can break that record.

Come join in and play and sail your own ships! The game is FREE TO PLAY with a very active community and loads of fun.

We'll be gathering together for the event operations including the Halloween event. We also are involved in a number of fleet vs fleet events and need more people participating (all skill levels are a help!).

Any questions ask @_NRN_PixelAHS @ℕℝℕℝ???????? @_NRN_ChPhGamer_RR

Join us on the NA server

Squadrons War XII !

We are in the middle of Squadrons War XII, 7 days down, 8 to go, non-stop Squadrons mayhem.

This is our biggest internal club activity, yet it is open to all Guests who want to fly with us as well.

We fly Dogfights and Fleet Battles, Public and Custom, even vs AI if you want to, and it all can help your team. Plenty of opportunities to pick up pointers from more experience pilots as well. Come check out Squad Wars!

S -Admiral Heathcliff

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