The focus of this server is political and other debate. We do what we can to allow as much as possible, while still remaining within Discord community guidelines.
- No banned topics
- No censored words & phrases
- Ask Me Anything and Stage events
- Fun channels (gaming, food, memes, music, photography, tests, test-results, starboard)
- Giveaways
- Moderation not discretion-based (eliminates unfairness)
- Progressive system provides leniency for minor issues
- Suggestive content is allowed but not nudity/porn
- Do not (in text, voice, or media) encourage, promote, advocate for or suggest for someone to commit suicide or harm themselves
- Do not (in text, voice, or media) encourage, promote, justify, advocate for or express approval of (neo-)nazism, rape, incest, bestiality, pedophilia, necrophilia or sexual activity between an adult and a person under 18
- Considering partnership opportunities
- Attention to detail
- Active and mature moderation