This server is new and is intended for game enthusiasts, anime fans, music fans, movies and series fans but if you don't like any of the mentioned you can join just to socialize
A place dedicated to Unity developers, publishers, as well as people who generally like and use the Unity engine.
Come ask questions about C# and Unity, discuss about it and its ecosystem, showcase your assets and your game made with Unity and even look to hire or be hired in our recruitment channels!
We also do a Unity Game Jam every 3-4 months, with prizes donated by our asset creators!
Herzlich Willkommen auf, der größten deutschen Hardware-Community. Schau mal vorbei wenn du Lust auf nette Leute oder interresante Themen rund um PC-Hardware und Gaming hast und falls deine Hardware mal streikt bieten wir und unsere Community 1A Support in allen Bereichen an.
Welcome to Colozzo Tech discord server. We are a community dedicated to integrate people who loves Technology and Gaming. If you think you're this kind of person, come on and join us!!
Hello i am a small script maker and it would be the world to me if u can try them i made booth scam i made booth snipe i also made some scripts for autofarm and all of them are free it would mean the world to me if u can try them è un portale italiano di proprietà di e Siamo host TS3 con licenza ATHP. Il nostro servizio inoltre comprende numerosi servizi aggiuntivi, i nostri server sono modificabili e con componenti aggiuntivi.