The Arabian Peninsula Opposition is a Discord server that seeks to unite the Arabian Peninsula opposition and the Arabian Peninsula diaspora on Discord. We advocate for a Democratic, Left-Wing, Secular, United, and Free Arabian Peninsula, which includes includes Bahrain, Kuwait, Oman, Qatar, Saudi Arabia, the United Arab Emirates (UAE), and Yemen, but sometimes it can also include Jordan, Iraq, and Palestine.
We are a chill political space that likes socialism in a conservative way!
List of things the server owners don't like - Juice, ridiculously small hats and dark beverages
for the purpose of moderation we urge our members to avoid speaking in arabic!
Das Asoziale Netzwerk ist eine vom Känguru gegründete anarchistische Anti-Terror-Organisation aus den Büchern von Marc-Uwe Kling.
Es steht u.A. gegen Terror von Schulen, Fabriken, Medien, Regierung, Leitkultur, Lobbys, Religion, Wirtschaft; gegen den Terror des realexistierenden Asozialismus.
?? Reborn Republic of Belarus ??
This is the New and Improved Belarus !
⭐️ A great and fun community
⭐️ Helpful and active staffs
⭐️ Come down and show your art
⭐️ Role play and special events
⭐️ Games, politics and more
⭐️ Fair voting system
⭐️ Media networks
⭐️ Come to our Orthodox Churches
?? Belarus is a great server with lots of activities that you can do and join us! ??
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Welcome to So Serious Chat: A Space for Serious Conversation and Debate!
• Engage with others in meaningful dialogue about important topics
• Express your opinions and perspectives in a respectful manner
• Learn more about different points of view on current issues
• Challenge yourself and your peers to think critically and deeply
• Make valuable connections with like-minded individuals
The most important power is that which decides what issues will be up for debate.
The Peoples' Book Club is a cordial and active society that dedicates time to discussing literature, ideologies, politics, and life. Users are encouraged to contribute to ongoing discussions, participate in book club readings/meetings, and question everything with a curiosity brave enough to face the unknown.
Political👏Debate👏Shitposting👏 MEME 👏 Server - chad 🇹🇩
Sassland Doobyland MKULTRA P&R Real Politics
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there are a lot of things on the server, but remember
Regent endures
Alexey lives
The Holy Russian Empire shall endure
There is much to be done
Сервер страны из PPF (Священная Российская Империя)
На сервере есть много всякой всячины, но помните
Регент выдержит
Алексей жив
Священная Российская Империя выстоит
Многое еще предстоит сделать