Olá, seja bem vido(a) ao servidor Minecraft/Roblox Brasil, neste servidor pode-se fazer amizades novas, jogar, falar e principalmente divertir-se. Junte-se a nos nesta nova aventura.
Among Us 100 is a English speaking Among Us LFG Server offering a fun experience for those looking for regular games, proximity chat games and 10-100 players mod. this is an escape from the toxic public lobbies where people just vote at random and shoot people for no reason. please come check out the community and let us know what you think.
TechPrezz is a growing gaming community server where you can find people of similar interest and play whether you play among us or cyberpunk 2077. Our aim is to provide gamers regardless of their age and gender a safe haven to play and have fun. With your support we can grow as an awesome community
This is a Discord server for my YouTube and Twitch community!
Feel free to come in and chat in #general or hop in vc. You can meet
plenty of cool people here. :D
Olá somos uma comunidade de roblox, A onde voçê vai fazer bastante amizades e trand, raid e fazer bastante missões. Temos diversos sorteios como de leopardo e roblux, Convide seus amigos a fazer parte da nossa comunidade também.