- How the bot works
- Type /help to get the advanced version of this. This is how it works. Whn you type __/modal__ it giev you the model and whn you interact with __started__ __queue__ it started the queue and whn youn click on __join__ __queue__ you join the queue and the your name shows up on the imbed and whn you click on __leave__ __queue__ it remove you form the queue and then you can click on __Refrech__ __Queue__ and it updates the embed and whn you type __/queueticket__ it open a queue Ticket with the admin at the 1st person in the queue and then it updates the queue and whn you click on __close__ __queue__ it closes the queue and goes back to the modal.
This is a support server for my Public Scarlet and Violet Sysbot. It can trade, clone, dump, use pokepaste, as well as have embeds for trading. Cool embds for trades showing what you've created, and cool embeds for announcements from me!, the owner!