Many years ago, Hopes Peak had offered a incentive to the troubled art ultimates, promising them a haven of a school. In 1945, The Avant-Garde Institute opened it’s door in Akasaka, Tokyo to the gifted students in the arts. Combining both interactive education and study lessons, the school began bustling with kids. The institute was especially well known for its innovative film program and theatre! Many well known young (or old) actors roamed the school, hoping to reach their highest potentials. As the school’s popularity began to heighten, they started to allow enrollments from those who wanted to work behind the scene as crew. The Avant-Garde Institute was now one of the most dreamed of schools.

It’s now 2010 and at the end of every year, film students get a project allowing them to create a show/movie. This year is no different! The students have been given the task to prepare a show about kids stuck in a school and forced to kill. The script had been sent anonymously to them, but reading it, they are amazed at such writing! A prominent director, Liliane Chérie, has offered to assist them. She had stated only wanting a select few. A handful of lucky students were chosen, ready to give it their all! They choose to film it in the school, wanting to make it as realistic as possible. This may be the best project the school will see!

Something is off, though…