⚜ Reich 1962 - Reich Sci Fi Uchronie ⚜
🏦 - Serveur RP !
🌠 - Serveur Uchronie Sci fi RP !
📗 - Lore Custom et Évolutif !
✒️ - Serveur avec Évents et Scénarios !
Préambule (suite sur notre discord)
Nous sommes en 1962, cela fait environ 17 ans que le Reich est en paix et à conquis de nombreuses nations d'Europe, dans cette uchronie d'abord, l'armée anglaise à Dunkerque a était totalement détruite par la Blitzkrieg allemande. Ce qui écarte rapidement l'Angleterre de la guerre ainsi qu'éviter la rentrer en guerre des Etats Unis plus tard.
La découverte d'une énergie infinis par l'Allemagne, qui divers complètement de notre réalité. Permettant d'augmenter la production industriel du Reich ainsi que les capacités militaires du Reich (a la Wolfenstein). Cette énergie est conserver dans un lieux secret détenus par une organisation SS devant contrôlés la puissance et faire des recherches dessus.
La Russie capitule aux alentours de 1945, l'Allemagne ayant énormément repous
18+ mental health server for those who don't belong, the depressed, isolated, nervous, forlorn, lonesome, clinically miserable, invalids, interlopers, debilitated loners, rejects, freakish geeks, misfits/, the wretched, outsiders, marginalized/unwell, depressive realists, and the dregs of society.?
Punto de encuentro para jugadores latinoamericanos de habla hispana amantes de la Primera y Segunda Guerra Mundial.
Si buscas gente que hable español y juegue a juegos ambientados en la Primera y Segunda Guerra Mundial, ¡este es tu lugar!
Uno de los objetivos de esta comunidad será tener servidores en América del sur para que podamos jugar con poco ping. Pero necesitamos que se unan mas jugadores al grupo, asi que por favor ¡INVITEN A SUS AMIGOS!
? Te esperamos en nuestro GRUPO DE STEAM ?
Welcome to the trenches!
★ We are a community of history enthusiasts and artists who love to share our knowledge and art.
☆ Our community is made up of members who are always engaging in discussions and activities.
★ This server is perfect to share the same interest with other random people!
The Office of Strategic Services is unique gaming community primarily focused on the games Post Scriptum and Squad. Join us if your either a casual or realism player, both are welcome! For our casual players they are welcome to join us in games any time, just watch if there are people sitting in the voice chats. For our realism players we have a squad your able to join to play next to other realism players in the unit and be competative in events.
Either way enjoy your stay!
Hearts of Iron IV ┃ HOI4 ┃WW2 ┃ International ┃ UK ┃ US ┃ Europe ┃ Russia ┃ Poland ┃ Germany ┃ South Korea ┃ Casual Games ┃ Scheduled Games ┃ Competitive Games ┃ Lead Developers ┃ Streamers ┃ Many Modification ┃ Road to 56 ┃ Tommy Kay ┃ Horstorical ┃ Vanilla ┃ Historical ┃ Non-historical
hello everyone and welcome we are really happy to have you,for our small server we are trying to make it a friendly place to learn about military history especially World War II.and on the site we do play War Thunder which is a really cool game about historical vehicle.
Hello fellow sailor! We are all about aircraft carriers from any era and any country! Share your knowledge with others or gain knowledge! Share pictures of carriers or share artwork or models of aircraft carriers. We also have a counting channel and post events everyday! (depending on the situation.)
We're an exclusive server with an owner who is symptom-free of schizophrenia. We're not just about schizophrenia. We accept anyone on the server. We allow 13+ on the server. We are also LGBT+ friendly. We have people from all over the world. Please join us!