Questo server e dedicato ai YouTuber emergenti o non che cercano un luogo di confronto con colleghi dello stesso settore. Oltre che un luogo per imparare e migliorare i tuoi video. ATTENZIONE NON E UN FOLLOW PER FOLLOW
BaconStudios is a server based on community and LegendaryBacon is working to be a worldwide server! LegendaryBacon has 1K+ worldwide subscribers and is looking to expand his community!
Nuestro enfoque principal es dar a conocer el talento oculto y brillante que existe en la plataforma de YouTube. Queremos que compartas tus creaciones, te conectes con otros creadores y encuentres inspiración en cada rincón.
Info: Over 50+ Fun Channel!,Nitro & Minecraft Account Giveaways, Friendly Staff and member :),No Limits in advertising per day,No Cooldowns chat except for mainchat,indochat,mutechat,and moree
BOTS : MusicBOT : 7+,Fun : 6+,Games : 5+
Hey my name is Stormz and I’m a content creator and I want to invite you to my server
What’s in the server
A nice place to come chill and vibe
You can see content I post whenever I post
You can post your content if your also a creator
You can post edits,art,suggestions,memes etc
We are a small community but will welcome anyone
-What’s to come in the future
guilds 🏰
Mini games 🎮
New special roles⬆️
Events for games or tournaments 🏆
I hope this sounds at least a little bit interesting to you but I hope my community can grow and your invited to grow with it.
- See you in the Stormz Village
EnderCreeper's Discord Server!
Chatte mit anderen Fans, Freunde und EnderCreeper!
Rede über die Minecraft Kurzfilme von "@EnderCreeper." auf YouTube!
Nehme bei live-Events teil!
🎯 | Junte-se ao nosso servidor
📍 ┃Vendas
📍 ┃Chats Para Interagir
📍 ┃Bot Próprio
📍 ┃Diversão no Server Todo
📍 ┃Parcerias Abertas
📍 ┃Jogos de Bots
📍 ┃Staff Ativa
📍 ┃Guilda
📍 ┃Sorteios
Aqui você fará amigos e poderá jogar casualmente. Entre agora.