
Rift Walkers is a Play by Post Westmarch style Roleplay server set in Waterdeep, 1437 DR.
However portals called rifts have been appearing throughout the realm sourcing from the endless multiverse, with them coming strange allies and vile enemies. As the dark powers spread their influence and destruction across Toril, adventurers take up the charge in destroying all that would seek to overtake their new home, whether for gold, glory, or something more.
❤ We are a growing Westmarch 5e 18+ server
❤ UA and Homebrew accepted on approval basis
❤ Multiple Character slots
❤ Above average Power levels
❤ Fast progression
❤ Regular quests
❤ Downtime system
❤ Housing System
❤ Spelljammers and Wildspace approved
❤ Server wide Server events
❤ EU and USA regular players to fit any availability

About Server

Rift Walkers is a Play by Post Westmarch style Roleplay server set in Waterdeep, 1437 DR.
However portals called rifts have been appearing throughout the realm sourcing from the endless multiverse, with them coming strange allies and vile enemies. As the dark powers spread their influence and destruction across Toril, adventurers take up the charge in destroying all that would seek to overtake their new home, whether for gold, glory, or something more.
❤ We are a growing Westmarch 5e 18+ server
❤ UA and Homebrew accepted on approval basis
❤ Multiple Character slots
❤ Above average Power levels
❤ Fast progression
❤ Regular quests
❤ Downtime system
❤ Housing System
❤ Spelljammers and Wildspace approved
❤ Server wide Server events
❤ EU and USA regular players to fit any availability

Recent Posts

Thay is gone!

A new image appears on the Waterdhavian announcement system.

The emergency news system roars to life catching everyone's attention. The last time this went off was after the Saint of Death attacked Baldurs Gate, has there been another attack? A well dressed Aarakockra appears in an image and begins to address the people.

"Good evening. Today we bring terrible news. We are receiving reports of mass Genocide in the country of Thay. It has appeared to be done by the hands of Waterdeeps own College Dean and Archmage, Michellan. He was last seen at the college where sources tell us he received an unknown package from the Thayan leadership. Whatever was in this package seemed to cause the Archmage to go on and commit what can only be described as a mass genocide. Here is the imagery we have been sent."

A blue Warforged is shown standing in the streets of Thaymount rippling with electricity. His arms spread, Arcane energy swirling around him. His voice, garbled as if the energy itself affected the images sound.

"Mystra! Grant me the power! Slaughter them all!"

The image shifts to show hundreds of flaming rocks flying into Thaymounts Palace, levelling the structure to dust. Images from various cities in Thay show corpses and shrivelled bodies scattered around the streets, their faces twisted in agony

"The images are some of the less gruesome to be sent to us, and we are receiving word now there is a Bounty being placed on Michellan. Dead or Alive, 50,000 platinum pieces. If you see this warforged, do not approach unless you are confident in your skills. He is a highly dangerous criminal and considered to be armed at all times."

Server Wide event! Intrigue, genocide, and a bounty to rival the best bounties! Did he do it? Is he being framed? Follow the court case to find out!

Server wide event!

There is an Arcane sickness ripping through the city of Waterdeep!

Whirring to life the announcement box for the Waterdhavian begins its emergency proclamation A sober looking presenter dressed all in black, his sombre expression showing just how serious the affair is. "Updated numbers has tallied deaths within the city now to within the thousands. Researchers are tirelessly working to end this devastating illness that is ravaging the city. the only thing that we do know so far is that it is transmitted through spellcasting. Showing similar reactions to aether as Wild magic, the effects are unpredictable and potentially harmful." He takes a moments pause "As such, the council has deemed that until this sickness is resolved, all spell casting shall be quarantined. You cannot cast any magic in public spaces, please ensure if you must cast a spell you are at least ten feet from anyone else. Please remain a good social distance from any magic and if possible, refrain from casting all together."

Server wide Spell Sickness event is live! This is a TEMPORARY optional event, Spell casters will not be penalised, it is simply a RP hook for plot progression.

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