This Is Server Is a Nice and Happy Server U will Never Get Borded From this Server and I make this server For Free FIre Gaming Community and From MY Youtube Channel and Also In this Server I slect People To Make Video With Them Maybe Next One that Could Be You
♡ Hey guys! Please join us! ♡
People leave games Early and before they Start, soon after to rage Delete either Before or After Blizzard & the Community BANS it, because the game is BUST!
How so?
Pls read on :/
The FaKe Clan is a very Competitive Fortnite Clan, that is accepting everyone, but there is requirements.
1. over 25+ wins
2. Has to be nice
3. Has to have a little skill
Competitive Team Requirements:
1. Over 55-65+ wins
2. Has to be really kind
3. Has skill in scrims
DM for more info