18+ mental health server for those who don't belong, the depressed, isolated, nervous, forlorn, lonesome, clinically miserable, invalids, interlopers, debilitated loners, rejects, freakish geeks, misfits/, the wretched, outsiders, marginalized/unwell, depressive realists, and the dregs of society.?
Dieser Bot Hilt Dabei wenn man einen Server erstellen will oder wenn man ein Server Moderieren will und wenn man ein Server hat wo ein Guter Bot benötigt wird
Sever Slot Market
Used to trade in all kinds of items except banned substances and onlyf
is also a place to exchange information for traders
bot slot notification slot created, the remaining number of times everyone is pinged, backup
all for free
Scambaiting is more fun with multiple people. We get lots of people into one discord voice call and then call Indian scammers for maximum chaos. This server can be used to discuss scambaiting, duo-call, and research into tech support scams.