Our server was created with the aim of masturbating on different pictures, be they hentai/normal pictures or with different passions.
Our server contains many complex systems, such as:
💦You can take your own nude picture (fake nude).
🔥 Super exciting videos and pictures that can bring you to ecstasy just by looking at them.
🌟 We have many roles, they differ according to your gender, your passions, your orientation.
🌞 Our rules are not strict and you can do almost anything you want.
⚙️ We have quality and complex bots that meet all requirements.
We are waiting for you on the server to feel good together and we are waiting for your suggestions to develop our server together.
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🍑・Hi I'm Asya, I'm 21 years old.
🥵・I take my photos and videos for you.
💋・I'm waiting for you all on my server
Server link: https://discord.gg/SfZNzqzXeK
Hoii!, I'm Pao, and I'm just a dumb girl looking for people to talk to and have fun with c;, so umm,,, yeah come see some pictures of me (including lewds and nudes hehe 7w7) and meet some people, I hope you guys like the server and me (and my body lol), come talk with me and the others hehe.
Btw, don't be afraid to dm me! uwu
I'm Amy , a 20 years old girl trying to make bucks from selling her content here on discord.
I would appreciate anyone who helps me in this journey that i just started :3
and please be kind to me. Thanks !!