C'est un nouveau discord communautaire 100% français, nous avons pour but d'assembler la plus part des communautés (Gaming, animés, développement, etc..)
Um ótimo servidor para todos os fãs de Black Rock Shooter, nesse servidor além de você poder conversar com varias pessoas ainda contamos com um sistema de rpg do qual você realizar verdadeiras lutas!
??Hey guys!!! ??
Come join FOG’s universe we are are chill active gaming community that’s is starting to grow. Come chat with us and find your place in our welcoming family!
-? Friendly community
We are a growing community come witness our rise to greatness? I made this server to build a gaming community 4 my YouTube and to also build an anime community. Well more like a gaming and anime community of friends or family where we are friendly, chill, respectful and supportive to each other.? As my YouTube channel grows there will be new events such as giveaways and competitions which I’m excited to get started. ?
Bonjour, je m'appel Vladin et voici ma chaine youtube : https://www.youtube.com/@VLADIN_/videos , je propose mes services de montage pour Youtube et Tiktok à prix défiant toute concurrence.