Chill and find friends. We have discord activities so join us and play some games in discord. Share memes, play games. we still new if you hang around and send memes we will make you mod
Love memes? Well thats great, because here at MEME CLUB, we love memes too! Post your favorite meme you found on the internet, or one you just made up! Join now!
List of all text channels: Rules, Links, Welcome, Chating, Meme Chat, Game chat, Pokemon, Duel, Trading, Ads, Rules for pokemon, Music.
List of all voice channels: Music chat, Chill chat, Game chat, Memes.
Have fun!
Yo This is Breadboy Season 1. This is a wacky discord server that in the future will have many events. we have music, gaming, and just chatting channels, if your interested check us out.
Welcome to our server!! Here you will find some amazing stuff to do! You will get two amazing reaction role! 1st is Memer who upload memes in our server and 2nd is Watcher who sees the memes! There is the mist amazing memes!! Join and if you don't like you are free to leave! Thank you!