A community server of The Cat YouTube channel, with history, army, and politics enthusiasts, but also active on PixelPlanet or PxGame.
YouTube channel: https://www.youtube.com/@Katze1918
We defend our rights against the ever growing ATF threats we stand against the ATF calling private citizens criminals for own a weapon platform such as an AR or an AK platform. While the second amendment states all arms such as weapons of war to destructive devices they heavily tax and regulate the people.WE THE PEOPLE HAVE THE LAST SAY on everything to regulations to presidential elections.
The Great Trial Awaits, Comrades! We need your support for the Great Order! Defeat the Na*i scum in the east, Unite The Glorious Russian people into one Banner!
World History is a Discord server for people who live and breathe history.
The categories and channels move progressively along a timeline from emergence of early humans to the present day encouraging users to analyze historical events and develop a grasp of the chronology of human development.