Planet Superstars is a SEGA-themed server, where you can meet others with an interest in SEGA media...or anyone really. We have themed channels for various SEGA series such as Sonic, Puyo Puyo, Jet Set Radio, Space Channel 5, and more. Other features included: Bots, Server Games, Art Channels, Meme Channels, Gaming Channels.
Everyone is welcome, so take a trip to Planet Superstars!
Gin's Haven is a new discord channel for you who wants a social gaming experience or just a place to chat. The server is in it's building phase, this is why we want more people to join and help us build it up. Most of us are pc players, but we encourage every platform to join. We have bots, meme channels, music channels and streamer channels. Many of us are friends, but most of the users have joined after playing together in the variety of games we enjoy. We are currently playing alot of cod:warzone/destiny/warframe and rust - feel free to join :)
( - use this link if doesn't work)
- Laiout
We are a fun discord server for all kinds of stuff! (Apart from NSFW sorry lmao •_•)
We have colored roles, an automated rank system so your activity doesn't go unrewarded and much more!
You can post memes, have chill conversations about games or your day, anything really! We tolerate every member, no matter what color, sexuality, etc. <(^-^)>
We would appreciate your visit! :D
RetroMasochism: Join me as I try to beat as many games in the NES/Famicom, SNES/Super Famicom, Genesis/MD/32X/CD, SMS, and N64 libraries!! Viewer's Guide: • List: • Progress:
If you are a fan of retro videogames from the 1970s, 80s, and 90s, then this is the place for you. Feel free to share your photos, stories, collections, and your love for retro gaming!