Guten Tag zusammen,
mein Name ist Maurice und bin 20 Jahre alt, dies ist mein Discord server. Er ist noch im aufbau und wird updates erhalten, wenn ihr leute zum zocken sucht, egal ob auf Konsole oder Pc seid ihr hier richtig, wenn genug leute auf dem server sind die auch motiviert sind bei Turnieren mitzumachen werden wir dies ebenfall machen.
Mit freundlichen Grüßen der Owner
DOME PATROL is a small, inclusive, beginner-oriented Arena FPS community based in North America. We offer beginner guides, resources, matchmaking, and occasional community game nights. Our main focuses are Quake Live and Unreal Tournament 4, but we also host events for a wide range of indie AFPS titles where there's interest.
Discord is fun and open for anyone it’s ranked with the best blood hunt players you can find I do tournaments and also a thing I call scrims I do solo scrims and trio with rewards rewarded over all it’s a great and fun discord that everyone can join and play with great minded bloodhunt players
Counter Strike 2 Discord Sunucusu
Counter Strike 2 oynayan bir ekibimiz var ve sunucumuzu her geçen gün büyütüyoruz. Takım bulmak isteyen veya oyuncu arayanlar discord sunucumuza gelebilir.
Ayrıca League of Legend, Euro Truck Simulator 2 gibi diğer oyunları da ara ara oynuyoruz.
Cs gelmek isteyenler gelebilir.
CS 1.6 Android icin kurulan bir klan sunucusuyduk şimdi ise cs 1.6 android/pc topluluk sunucusu olmaya karar verdik bu sunucuda sık sık vs lere katılabilir ve eğlenebilir ve sohbet edebilirsiniz
We were a clan server established for CS 1.6 Android, now we decided to become a CS 1.6 Android/PC community server, you can often join etc. on this server, have fun and chat.