The Bot Kingdom

Hello there! Have you ever sat thinking, “I wish I could use all of my favourite bots in one place”? If yes, then The Bot Kingdom is the place for you!
We have:

? Dank memer
? Pokétwo
? Unbelievaboat
⛏Idle Miner

And more! Join us today!

About Server

Hello there! Have you ever sat thinking, “I wish I could use all of my favourite bots in one place”? If yes, then The Bot Kingdom is the place for you!
We have:

? Dank memer
? Pokétwo
? Unbelievaboat
⛏Idle Miner

And more! Join us today!

Recent Posts

Many bots, with more to come soon!


Thank you to everyone who joined, and if you haven’t joined; You have nothing to lose, this is a great place to use bots! We have Dank memer, Bro bot (a bot kind of like dank memer), and many more, so why not join?

50 Members!

Thank you to everyone who joined, I hope you enjoy the bots. We recently hit 50 members! This means a lot to me, if you haven’t joined yet: Why not? We have dank memer (with rob disabled), Bcoins and many more!


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