Hey! Thanks for checking out [SW-DGV] Special Warfare Development Group
[Our Motto]: "From the fires of hell to the battlefield, swift death will prevail!"
[-] Special Warfare Development Group Vanguard is a Call of Duty based / game
specific roleplay group that takes part in the Call of Duty game series. We offer
everything from Full-Realistic styles with structured teams to laid back styles if that's
your sort of thing.
[-] Handpicked Administrators & Moderators to ensure
the upmost excellence in leadership.
[-] No Team & Player Level Requirements.
[-] Multiple Game Mode Styles.
[-] Self-Assignable Roles
[-] And more coming soon.
[-] Modern Warfare 3
[-] Modern Warfare 2
[-] Modern Warfare
[-] Black Ops 6 - COMING SOON
I hope you choose to join [SW-DGV] Special Warfare Development Grup Vanguard. We would love to have you as a part of our team!
~[SW-DGV] SWDGV Vanguard Administrators