The No Dip League (or NDL) is an international friendly war competition hosting clans from all over the globe of varying sizes, skill levels and time zones. Clans accepted into the NDL will be assigned a schedule of opponents separated by divisions, and will compete in one match per week during the regular season. At the end of the regular season, the highest ranked clans will participate in a playoff to determine a season champion.
NDL is run by a team of staff who facilitate making the league happen. Rules are developed with feedback from clan leaders (called Ambassadors), and the league is run with an emphasis on transparency and collaboration.
Servidor Oficial de la primera academia pro gaming en latino américa , aquí podrás subir el nivel de juego a nivel competitivo junto a nuestros instructores y tops players de (Fortnite , CSGO , Leage of Legend , Apex , Fifa , MortalKombat , Pubg , Rainbow Six). Encontrar
Oficjalny serwer Wielkopolski na Pxgame
Co oferujemy ?
-mila i pomocną administracja
-malo kanalów więc się nie zgubisz
I wiele więcej dołącz już teraz