1. Talk to other game developers
2. Posting your demo and get feedback from others
3. Receive the news about game industry
4. Receive tips on making games
5. Make friends with other game developers
6. Promote your game
7. Discussing marketing strategy
Come join this discord channel !!
Our main goal is to help game developers out !
feel free to join !
A Peer 2 Peer Indie Game marketing support network for Indie Dev. Follow @IndieLegion on Twitter to Join. Choose your team and get involved on Discord.
A fun, friendly and inclusive community for indie game developers and for people who just like indie games. We strive to be a community where everyone is welcome. We also strive to help small indie developers network and form connections with one another.
I'm an indie game developer and here is my server where you can
- have community chats
- post memes
- post ideas
- post scream pictures
- if I will have game on steam win code for it!
Hi there, If you're looking for a fun server that likes to play games of old and new, come on down over to the Mainframe.
We play games like{
Dota 2
Dungeons of Dredmor
Risk of Rain 2
Tabletop Simulator
Don't Starve Together
} //And many more
So if (like) == true : print.("come on down over")
See you soon,
A game for Nintendo Switch in development by BadToxic.
It's about collecting and beating mini games, developing them by gaining experience while playing them and mastering them all. It allowes local and online coop and vs multiplayer.