Enabros is a new server, thus there isn't much roleplay on it, but that will change with your help. The first event is all sorted out and planned, we need new faces who wanna give it a shot and see if they like it. We will be actively assisting with any sheets that come through, and trying our best to let most ideas for characters work in the Medieval Fantasy Setting, though we have limits.

Some of the things you can expect to get are:

  • The Server allows a multitude of fantastical creatures from all cultures, and a near limitless amount of options in terms of character ideas that we'll help you bring to life to the best of our abilities.

  • Character Design is purposefully very open-ended to allow for as much creative freedom as possible, with easy-to-learn lore and ability set up to ensure those moments of power and strife, sacrifice and hardship are built into the very RP itself

  • Events designed to progress a planned story which you can influence and grow into without rigid control, though there is risk to every decision, we will never punish you for 'not doing what we want', but rather challenge you properly to push you to your best self.

  • Lore that builds upon itself and can be influenced by you if you have a good idea on what a concept should be evolved into

  • An Owner who will dedicate himself to actively playing out your backstory, fulfilling any NPC Roles, playing out solo-RPs, and more if it means fulfilling your experience.

If you have any question's, just ask the owner Bear who is always willing to help anyone interested in the server, take care, and have fun roleplaying.