The official server for JB Dev, a Canadian MSFS 2020 Scenery developer.
Are you an avid flight simmer? have questions about my scenery? just want to be part of a community of flight simmers?
If this sounds like you join the server today!
Flight Sim Central: Your hub for daily VATSIM flights, casual chats, and aviation news. Whether you're experienced or just starting, join for discussions, assistance, and exclusive perks. Elevate your flight sim experience – join now!
Du liebst Flugsimulatoren? Dann werde Teil unserer Flight Sim Community! Erreiche coole XP-Ränge, sammle Flugstunden, sichere dir exklusive Rollen und teile unvergessliche Flug-Sessions mit anderen Sim-Piloten. Erlebe spannende Events, tiefgehende Diskussionen und eine einzigartige Atmosphäre. Schließ dich unserer Crew an und erlebe Flugsimulation auf einem neuen Level – ready for takeoff?
A place to discover, discuss, or expand on your interests. Things like model building, anime watching, games of all sorts, and much more are talked about.
Hello, we are Topside Gaming. A HUB for all your gaming needs.
We currently own a FiveM RP server and an Arma 3 server! We also have a CoD MW Regiment! You can check these out in #topside-communities. We also have partners that helps you connect to other communities for more fun! This is in #partnered-communities! If you are a community owner and wish to partner with us, head to #apply-for-partnership. Our staff team is always willing to help you out in anyway possible. If you need any help head to #tickets. We wish you a great stay and happy gaming!
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