Join the Tom Pearl cult!
A place where we not only worship the human toilet, but where we also have
-high quality shitposting & nsfw memes
-thug hunters & thug shakers
-gay irony content
-most cursed shit known to man (within TOS)
-freedom of speech
-non strict fun environment
This is a place for shitposting with very non-strict rules, this server is a no snowflake zone!
Tom Pearl is life, Tom Pearl is love, Tom Pearl is forever! 💩💩💩
?ADULTS ????!?
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(exceptions to this rule will be made on an individual basis)
We need ?ℂ???? Members
Hope to eventually have built a Social community.
Current categories:
General Chat
Voice Chat, Movies, TV, game streaming
Music w/ bots, Media, Games
Monthly giveaways
?NSFW? Member age VERIFIED Category includes
BoobBot, NSFW member selfies, NSFW voice, NSFW kink,
as well as a number of member only channel/activities/games.
this is shitposts 2.0, here you can enjoy some memes, gambling possibly some art. and then there is the nsfw section where you can post basicaly whatever tf you feel like, get wild. hope to see you soon
List of all text channels: Rules, Links, Welcome, Chating, Meme Chat, Game chat, Pokemon, Duel, Trading, Ads, Rules for pokemon, Music.
List of all voice channels: Music chat, Chill chat, Game chat, Memes.
Have fun!
Welcome to our server!! Here you will find some amazing stuff to do! You will get two amazing reaction role! 1st is Memer who upload memes in our server and 2nd is Watcher who sees the memes! There is the mist amazing memes!! Join and if you don't like you are free to leave! Thank you!
very versatile meme server, with not many rules, and a community that just has fun, this server has offensive, nsfw and wholesome. This server is still in early developement, but we are open to ideas, with many meme channels and diverse bots you can have fun without posting memes.