The World and Nation of Meredia, a type of Manchurian Singapore, with indepth elections, government, business, religion and anything you could possibly imagine in a polsim! Become a politician, businessman, clergyman or anything in this 1960s former Japanese Colony and RISE through the ranks of government and commerce, the people of Meredia are waiting, join NOW!
? **Pyron** ⚖️
Pyron is a brand new server dedicated to politics and a roleplay parliament! We want everyone to have their own input into building a nation, writing legislation or running for office! Hope to see you soon!
Embark on a thrilling roleplaying adventure in our Suzerain-inspired Discord server set in the Republic of Sordland. Set after President Anton Rayne' transformative second term, where the nation has risen to unprecedented power. You can roleplay as law enforcers, criminals, politicians, corrupt oligarchs, political activists, and more. No prior game knowledge necessary – just bring your imagination and join us for a fun time.
Virtual Congress (VC) is a Discord political simulator. You start out as a member of Congress that can create and vote on legislation and nominations to the cabinet. You could also be a Governor, Senator, Attorney General, or even on the Supreme Court!
You also can run for President or try to become a leader in Congress. It’s a fun way to debate or create policy!
A new and upcoming US mock-gov, a place where you can be a politician and decide your career how you wish! Wether it be congressional, executive, or judicial!
》 Run for Congress, become a Representative or a Senator and fight for your believes!
》 Write your own legislation or propose a constitutional amendment!
》 Join a media organization and be a famous political commentator!
》 Vote for your favorite candidate in the elections!
》 Rise through the ranks and become president!
💠 𝐆𝐞𝐨𝐑𝐩 ouvre bientôt ses portes dans un scénario alternatif débutant en 1921, dans un monde en pleine reconstruction suite à la Grande Guerre. Le principe y est simple, incarner le ou les dirigeants d'un pays afin de le développer et d'accomplir vos objectifs qu'ils soient politiques, économiques ou militaires.
💠 𝐆𝐞𝐨𝐑𝐩 vous propose un monde alternatif avec une équipe forte de plus de 8 ans de RP géopolitique sur discord. Imaginez un monde où les continents Mu & Lémuria ne sont pas des mythes, un monde où le lac Congo, la Californie & le Texas existe en 1921, un monde où l'Irlande n'a pas connu de famine !
Découvrez un monde profondément changé & pourtant si similaire au notre par bien des aspects !
💠 𝐆𝐞𝐨𝐑𝐩 vise plutôt le réalisme mais est ouvert à tout niveau de joueurs Nous disposons en ce sens de guide poussés, de tableurs informatifs et d'une équipe investit pour vous accompagner au travers de notre gameplay, qu'il soit diplomatique, économique ou militaire.