The No Dip League (or NDL) is an international friendly war competition hosting clans from all over the globe of varying sizes, skill levels and time zones. Clans accepted into the NDL will be assigned a schedule of opponents separated by divisions, and will compete in one match per week during the regular season. At the end of the regular season, the highest ranked clans will participate in a playoff to determine a season champion.
NDL is run by a team of staff who facilitate making the league happen. Rules are developed with feedback from clan leaders (called Ambassadors), and the league is run with an emphasis on transparency and collaboration.
We are a competitive Super Smash Bros. related Discord Server! We are a crew for the SCS! There are many channels here for you to enjoy, such as matchmaking, memes, and Pokemon channels! If you would like to try out for our crew, or just want to hang out, considering joining our server! There are often live streams when our crew plays against other crews, you don't wanna miss it! We'll see you there!
Willkommen bei Lyrix E-Sports! Wir sind Teil Valorant Clan, Teil Valorant Community, die alle Member herzlich begrüßt!
★ Du spielst Valorant? Hier bist Du richtig!
★ Valorant themenbasierter Discord.
★ Du bist aber nicht Kompetitiv tätig? Kein Problem!
★ Finde Mitspieler für Gewertet, Ungewertet oder Spike-Rush!
★ Chatte mit neuen Leuten!
★ Lerne neue und interessante Menschen kennen. Vertrau uns, Du wirst!
★ Nehme an Serverweiten Events teil.
★ Viele Emotes!
★ Und natürlich garantieren wir viel Spaß!
Interessiert? Worauf wartest Du dann noch? Komm und trete uns bei! :D
Fragging Friends was born from a love of Valorant customs, and has since grown into a community of over 300 members. From those customs, we launched the Fragging Friends Championship —a community tournament where players of all ranks compete against each other in teams put together by the admins. Fr