Discord server for gamer and content creator, Scottii.
Add me on social media for latest updates and to help support the channel.
Youtube: Youtube.com/scottii
Twitch: scottii1
Twitter: @scottii1
Facebook: www.facebook.com/scottii.co
Instagram: www.instagram.com/scottii_1
Reddit: https://www.reddit.com/r/scottii/
Minecraft discord server which allows you to advertise / share your youtube videos, find collabs, play with some pro players, have fun, and get better known within the community.
This is the unofficial server for the Super Phantom Cat series! Here SPC enthusiasts can come together and talk and help with finding secrets. You can even get a role for your favorite character!
its for my YT just chill watch my vids and whatever, when you are in my server you must show image proof of your subscription to my channel which is in links for stuff when you have taken screen shot post the image in off topic and get the role given by me subscribers
Acesta este un server de Discord destinat pentru marirea Comunitatii Clanului ⟐CD CountryDons (CS:GO) Sper sa va Simtiti bine!O sa fie organizate concursuri, batalii, GIVEAWAY-uri, Sper sa avem o comunitate foarte mare dar cel mai important e sa va simtiti voi bine pe server si in Clan.PENTRU A ACCESA TOATE CANALELE FA CLICK PE REGULAMENT SI APOI PE BIFA!
A server for fans of my Twitch and YouTube channels but open for any Marvel, Bethesda and Nintendo fans! If you're playing the Marvel Avengers video game this is the server for you.