We're growing each day and soon enough we will hit 100 members. Join today and be part of the UK warzone community!
Tired of teaming up with Eastern Europeans? Can't understand half of what they're saying, if at all? Well, this server is created with you in mind. We've got 2 seperate channels specifically catered for 2 types of players - casual and hardcore.
Fed up of playing so seriously and want some fun? Look for a group in the Casual channel.
Want a challenge and to go for those wins? Then the Hardcore channel is created with you in mind.
Not only that, but we've created a server for each platform (PC, PS4 & Xbox) and even taken cross platform players into consideration and created a special area for those who aren't picky!
These features not only make it easier for you to find the perfect team, it also will alleviate the need to ask for a specific type of player!
We're growing each day and soon enough we will hit 100 members. Join today and be part of the UK warzone community!